"Hidden Gulch" 40 Acre Placer Claim

Oregon Gold Claims for Sale:
Jackson County, Oregon - Gold Past Producer

Hidden Gulch is a past producing gold placer mining claim, measuring 40 acres, located in Southwest Oregon in the Applegate mining district! Twenty miles South of Grant's Pass and half of that from the little town of Applegate lies Hidden Gulch, a placer claim tucked away in the Siskiyou Mountains. Thousands of Pacific ponderosa pines and the naturally formed-crescent shape of the surrounding mountainside make the Hidden Gulch claim a secluded spot with amazing natural cover against the elements and jealous, prying eyes!

The recently-dried Brush Creek cut itself fifty-feet down into the mountainside when it flowed, and now sits dormant covered by fallen logs, rolling rock, and loose vegetation. Trapped underneath what covers Brush Creek lies what it carried for years: gold-bearing black sands and clay. Basic digging tools are all that's needed to tap into the gold-rich soil the Brush Creek once stirred up. Culverts and sluices along the Brush Creek's path snake through the claim to the road, creating natural hotspots for gold! Fresh water flows a short drive down the road from the claim site, so panning or sluicing what you find nearby won't be an issue.

The Last Chance mine (300ft from the claim marker) and the Charlotte Prospects (highlighted below) also lie within the claim boundaries. Nature has taken its toll on these two areas, making the exact locations and what they were looking for seemingly impossible to find, but one wonders what metallic treasures could still be around?

Excellent, well-maintained dirt roads lead half-a-mile up to the claim, at which point nature has reclaimed what little road remains leading to the Hidden Gulch. Little towns dot the way leading to Hidden Gulch, meaning you won't be far from a hot meal and a shower. Applegate Lake, just a few miles South of the claim, has fresh snacks, clean bathrooms, is always open for a quick dip or line-cast.

Hidden Gulch 40 Acre Placer Claim:
Type of Claim Unpatented Placer Claim
Size of Claim  40 Acres
Commodities  Gold.
Past Production  Yes.
State, County  Oregon, Jackson
Accessibility  Excellent Dirt Roads
Deposit Type High silica quartz and clay
Cell Phone Reception Satellite Phones Only!
Relics  No.

Discovery Monument & Claim Boundaries

Discovery Marker GPS Coordinates (WGS84):  42.123820°, -123.212016°

Right-click and open images in a new window or tab for a larger view.


Claim Photographs

Economic Features
 Type of Claim Unpatented Placer Claim
 Size of Claim  40 Acres
 Commodities  Gold.
Ore Body Information
Width  N/A
Ore Body Type Argillite and greenstone
Ore Availability Chalcopyrite, gold, malachite
District Name Applegate District
Development Status
Operation Type  Surface Placer
Development Status  Inactive
MRDS References
Mineral Resource Data System ID#M062190  MRDS Report

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Hidden Gulch Mineral Rights Transfer Process

A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government. Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate.

A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance. Questions about the transfer process can be answered by contacting us anytime.  All fees and paperwork current and assessment fees are paid  through Sept. 1st 2024.

It's easy to maintain this claim after purchase:

If you have less than 10 claims, you are eligible to file a small miners exemption and the cost to maintain is only $10 per year per claim.  Contact us anytime for help maintaining your claim. Full details on maintaining your claim can be found on the BLM's website here.

The filing and transfer service will be done on your behalf and completed within 48 hours after purchase.  Buy this claim now with the Paypal™ link below. Online records of your claim will also be available in the local county records office and the BLM within 7 days, officiating you are a new gold claim owner!

Name of Claim(s) Acres Cash Price Financed Price (+10% Interest) Down Payment Required (25%) 12 Monthly Payments
Hidden Gulch 40 $3199 $3,519 $879 $220

This Amazing Claim Has SOLD!