EW6 20 Acre Lode Gold Mine Specs:

    Type of Claim: Lode
    Size of Claim: 20 Acres
    Mining Commodity: Gold, Silver
    State/County: Nevada, Esmerelda
    Closest City: Goldpoint, NV (8 Miles)
    Type: Unpatented Mining Claim
    Accessibility: Dirt Road 4-Wheel Drive Recommended
    Camping: Yes. Campsite 50 Yards from the Primary Mine Portal
    Primary Mine Features: 1500'+ of Tunnel, Well Ventilated, 6'2 Backings, 10' Audit, Visible Vein on Working Face
    Past Producer: Yes
    Amenities: 8 Miles Away, Town of Goldpoint, NV. Gas, lodging, food.
    Cell Phone Reception: T-Mobile
    Mining Relics: Yes. Can dumps, timbers, iron scrap, ore cart railing.
    Tailings Pile: Yes. Estimated 1000+ Tons
    Vein Material Remaining: Substantial Known Quantities
    Deposit: Granitic intrusion, vein systems consisting of rich mineralized quartz veins.  Primary mine vein system runs at 90° strike along the drift ribs.  
    Vein Size: Ranges from 6"x 6" to 4' x 4' along the heading and ribs of primary drift.
    Number of Shafts/Mines/Portals on Claim: Three. (1) Shaft, (2) Drifts.

      Sample Analysis

      Samples were taken along the vein system of the primary mine as well as from the tailing near the shaft.  Fire assays and XRF analysis was conducted by an accredited member of our staff professional assayer and metallurgist with over 15 years of mining experience.  Photos of where the samples were obtained are available in the gallery.

      All our samples are done starting with 28 grams of pulverized ore.  The fire assay procedure than utilizes a flux recipe that removes impurities from the ore leaving only precious metals.  We weigh the precious metal beads, and convert the measurement into ounces per ton.  Unlike other fire assayers that give you the results in parts-per-million, or parts-per-billion, we're bottom line kind of guys, and we want to know how much money a ton of ore is worth.

      Fire Assay Results:

      • Sample 1: 0.00 oz/ton Gold, 0.68oz/ton Silver
      • Sample 2:  0.10 oz/ton Gold, 1.08 oz/ton Silver
      • Sample 3:  0.10 oz/ton Gold, 5.50 oz/ton Silver
      • Sample 4:  0.20 oz/ton Gold, 3.25 oz/ton Silver
      • Sample 5:  0.30 oz/ton Gold, 0.60 oz/ton Silver
      • Sample 6:  2.25 oz/ton Gold, 10.25 oz/ton Silver

      XRF Analysis:

      Images of XRF readout were taken from two locations, sample site #2 and sample site #6.  Notice the low occurance of iron which makes for easy free-milling and direct smelting as well as the universal presence of  Silver throughout the vein in addition to exceptionally high Gold content on an audit approximately 1000' from the portal.  Yes, there is gold and silver throughout the entire vein.

        Pilot Milling Results

        Mountain Man Mining™ operates a pilot mill site in the famous mining town of Goldpoint, NV., capable of milling up to 20 tons a day.  Our pilot mill is capable of extracting gold from lode and placer deposits using a variety of methods from gravity concentration, heap leach, mercury amalgamation, flotation and direct smelt.

        One hundred pounds of ore was taken from the OVERWATCH gold claim on the date of location for pilot milling operations.

        All ore taken from the vein systems in the primary drink, pulverized down to 30 mesh minus and piloted the following ways:

        • Shaker Table Concentration:
          The gold and silver in the ore seems to have a minor accordance of coarse gold, with the greatest concentration of coarse gold in the quartz bearing veins.  Coarse gold from the mineralized quartz veins was easily gravity concentrated with a shaker table.  Smelted concentrates yielded a 12k gold / silver doré  button.

        • Direct Smelt of Clay and Clay Contacts Between  Granite Seems:
          Low iron content of clay allows of easy direct smelting yielding the highest possible gold / silver recovery.


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