Salmon Lake & Salmon Creek 40 Acre Gold Placer Claim for Sale

NEW!  The Salmon Lake and Salmon Creek claims are a beautiful retreat high in the mountains of Sierra County, California, surrounded by gold-bearing lakes, creeks, and tributary inlet streams.  This new gold discovery includes lakeside access, as well as hundreds of feet of the gold-bearing gravels in Salmon Creek for a total of 40 acres.  Access to the claims is via Gold Lake Highway. Water flows year round, and is a perfect claim for new prospectors and miners. Bring a bucket, a shovel, a classifier and your gold pans! Check out the aerial video and claim photographs below!


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Salmon Lake Discovery Marker: 39.652459°, -120.637223°

Salmon Creek Discovery Marker: 39.652639°, -120.632762°

Click Here to Download the Google Earth™ KMZ File for the Claim Boundaries and
GPS for the Corners & Discovery Monuments

Salmon Lake Claims Aerial Video:

Some features of Salmon Lake at a glance:

  • Mineral rights include Salmon Lake & Salmon Creek frontage
  • Hundreds of feet of creek-side access to gold-bearing gravels
  • Year-round water flow in Salmon Creek
  • Multiple tributary streams and inlets lead into Salmon Lake
  • Great for small-scale hand and pans style prospecting and gold mining
  • Campgrounds nearby at Upper Salmon Lake & Gold Lake just 2 miles away
  • Easy access from Gold Lake Hwy!

Feel free to travel to the claims for a visit, and to do some sampling.  You'll easily find these claims just off Gold Lake Hwy.  Just put in the GPS coordinates to the discovery markers provided above, and follow the turn-by-turn directions on your Maps program.  The discovery markers are marked for easy location so you'll know when you're in the right spot.

These claims include lakeside access to L. Salmon Lake, as well as hundreds of feet of gold-bearing gravels and black sands along Salmon Creek.  Multiple MRDS (Mineral Resource Data System) reports have confirmed past gold production up and down the creek and in the surrounding mountains, including thousands of tons of Gold produced in Sierra County alone.

Just a few minutes drive from the growing, full service town of Portola, CA. Salmon Lake & Salmon Creek is five minutes down from the Gold Lake Campgrounds.  You can park your RV or pop-a-tent by the claims which sit nested in the majestic Sierra mountains.  Absolutely stunning views of this pristine national forest will keep you appreciating the beauty all around while gettin' the gold!

Salmon Lake 40 Acre Placer
Type of Claim Unpatented Placer Claim
Size of Claim  40 Acres
Commodities  Gold
Past Production  Yes.
State, County  California, Sierra County
Accessibility Paved Road to Claim + Dirt Roads
Deposit Type Surface gold placer
Cell Phone Reception  Minimal (GPS Recommended)

Salmon Lake & Salmon Creek Claims

Want a bigger view? Right-click the image and open in a new window or tab.

Economic Features
 Type of Claim (2) Unpatented Placer Claims
 Size of Claim  40.00 Acres
 Commodities  Gold
Ore Body Information
General Form Gravels, decomposing quartz
Ore Body Type Placer, quartz, magnetite
Development Past Producer
District Name Sierra
Development Status
Operation Type  Surface Placer
Development Status  Inactive/Recreational

Salmon Lake Mineral Rights Transfer Process

A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government. Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate.

A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance. Questions about the transfer process can be answered by contacting us anytime.  All fees and paperwork current and assessment fees are paid  through Sept. 1st 2024.

It's easy to maintain this claim after purchase:

The filing and transfer service will be done on your behalf and completed within 48 hours after purchase.  Buy this claim now with the PayPal™ link below. Online records of your claim will also be available in the local county records office and the BLM within 7-10 days, officiating you are a new gold claim owner!

Buy Salmon Lake & Salmon Lake

Now you can buy this 40 acre claim online and we paperwork and guarantee a quick-transfer and support. Contact us anytime to request an invoice to purchase this claim or alternatively pay by cash or check.
Cash Price

Cash Price

Make a one time payment and get new mineral rights transferred in your name quick and easy.
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Full mineral rights transfer in 7-10 days for "Salmon Lake, Salmon Creek"

Official certificates of location, claim location and digital parameter maps

Email based support for claim maintenance and questions

  • After your purchase is complete you will be requested to fill out our new claim owner form with your name/address or add any additional claimants you want on the claim.
  • You'll get digital copies of your COL and Map of Location in to your claim(s) will be delivered via email via PDF format as well as Google Earth™ KMZ map file with your claims discovery, corners and points of interest.
  • We handle all the filing and transfer services on your  behalf.  Expect to get official stamped/recorded copies of your paperwork mailed to you from the Sierra County Recorders Office and the California Bureau of Land Management officiating you as the new claimant within 10 days of purchase.