


    If you're looking for a good dry-wash claim in the desert, SUN WEST GOLD 20.66 acre lode mining might be the claim for you.  Just a few miles outside of a Gardnerville and Carson City, NV. This claim has the potential for industrial scale mining - with easy access to town, well maintained dirt roads and level ground.  Bring your tractors, or dry-washers and find some placer gold near the surface at the Sun West Gold claim.

    There are also 6 large prospect pits on the claim, that carry the gold values.  Sampling has been down on the red material in between the cracks/fissures of the granite house rock and found this is on the sources of gold on the claim.

    Hundreds of feet of gold-bearing ravine on the claim nearest the prospect pits would be a great place to start mining for placer gold as well!

    This 20.66 acre lode mining gold claim is closer to Gardnerville, NV, easily accessible by 2 wheel drive, and has a past history of gold production!

    • Just a few short miles from the major city of Gardnerville, Carson City & Reno
    • Drive right up to the 20 acre gold placer claim
    • Camp on site for a minimum of 10 days at a time!
    • Great cellphone service, close to town, easy to access
    • Gold placer found in the ravine, and in the up to 12 foot deep prospect pits on the claim
    • Large piles of tailings, and prospect pits with rich red sand and gold found in the fissures!
    • Mining relics, large rock formations and outcroppings.  You can mine for placer in the ravine or lode in the veins on the hills!

    Although filed as a lode claim (larger dimensions are allowed) this claim also comes with known placer deposits in the ravine.  The source of the gold comes from the numerous prospect pits in the center of the 20.66 acre lode claim.

    Nevada Division of Minerals has sampled the area (once known as Sun #4 & #5) and have found gold values in the cracks/fissures in the granite outcroppings all along the ravine.  You can find these out-cropping by digging at the old prospect pits, until you get mud in the seems of the granite cracks.  This dark-red material in between the granite cracks/fissures is a replacement mineral has the gold values in it. 

    Alternatively you can simply dry-wash the ravine for placer gold-Au that has deposited over time from erosion of the veins that wash down into the creek.

    Photographs of Claim

    Below you'll see photographs of SUN WEST GOLD lode mining claim, 20.66 acres in the Wellington mining district.  Placer has been found in the primary ravine that runs through the claim.  The source of the gold has been searched for in the surrounding hills with a 5-7 of prospect pits of various depths.  According to MRDS source gold has been found in the granite seems, as a replacement clay/quartz.  Samples done on this material have shown Au values, as well as Au-placer found in the creek beds.

    Imperial Gold Placers Main Features

    Type of Claim Unpatented Lode Mining Claim.
    Size of Claim 20.66 ACRES (1500x600ft)
    Mining Commodities Lode / Placer Mining Gold-Au Deposits
    Accessibility Good dirt roads, 4x4 helpful.
    County, Closest City Douglas County, Gardnerville, Nevada
    Camping Yes. 10 Days at a time.
    Mining District Wellington Mining District
    Cell Phone Reception Yes 4G LTE All Networks.
    Mining Relics Yes, Cans, Timbers, Prospect Pits.


    Commodity Importance
    Gold Primary
    Silver Secondary

    How To Get There:

    The best way to get to the claim is to put the GPS coordinates into your phones Map, or just Google Maps, and follow the turn by turn directions.

    Center of
    Claim GPS:

     38.753803°, -119.451845°

    Economic information

    Economic information about the deposit and operations

    Operation type Surface-Underground
    Development status Past-Producer
    Commodity type Metallic
    Deposit size Small-Medium

    Mining district

    District name Wellington Mining District

    Geologic structures

    Type of structure Local
    Structure description Fractures

    Ore body information

    General form TABULAR
    Placer / Lode Ravine 2 Meters, Outcroppings in Seems

    MRDS References

    Outside resources and references provided by the Mineral Resource Data System.

    Imperial Claims - MRDS #10294398

      How to Mine Sun West Gold

      You can mine this claim year round.  The area just south of Gardnerville NV doesn't get much snow-fall, and the seasonal creek nearby the claim provides water constantly.  To start mining this claim there 3 methods could be used to start running tonnage, if you want to scale-up beyond hands and pans:

       - Dry-washing or hauling in water is going to be your best option!
       - Metal detector for pickers along the ravine, high banks from dozer cuts
       - Water recirculating sluice/trommel system
       - Haul ore to an off-site mill
       - Dig into the granite outcroppings looking for fresh vein material
       - Sample each of the prospect pits for free-mill gold in the cracks/fissures

      In my opinion, a dry washer would work wonders for this claim for a number of reasons. Simply start in the ravine that runs through the claim, and start looking for gold deposits there.  Since you can camp on the claim for weeks at a time you can make a real effort to sample multiple locations, and get those black sands and gold!

      The lode outcroppings can also be crushed, and panned out to find the free-mill gold in granite.  The old timers were looking for these granite outcroppings (thus the 6 prospect pits on the claim) and dug in up 20 feet to sample various parts of the vein.  If you were so inclined you could bag up samples from these out-cropping and get them fire-assayed yourself to see what types of gold/silver values they carry.

      If your interested in purchasing this claim or would like to obtain
      samples or purchase for yourself please email me here.

      SUN WEST GOLD Placer Claim Transfer Process

      A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government. Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate. A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance. Full legal details including resources to the Bureau of Land Management or simply contact us for more details on our quit claim deed process.

      Filing fees included in this price of this auction.  All fees and paperwork are up-to-date and good through Sept. 1st 2023.

      How To Buy & Start Mining Gold

      Just contact us below when you decide to purchase. We will handle all the paperwork on your behalf with Douglas County as well as the Bureau of Land Management to make the transfer and filing process easy for you.  A quite claim deed will be followed on the claim, at which point the BLM and the county will send you, the new owner, the stamped versions of the newly filed documents marking you as the new claim owner. You should see the claim belonging to you, and ACTIVE in the LR2000 and county recorders office within 2-3 weeks.  Please allow up to 10 days after the sale for me to notarize and file the quit claim deeds withe the BLM and Douglas County.

      On Sale Now

      To purchase this claim email me for more information and payment details.

      Contact Us Below to To Purchase

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