Rye Patch Claims

Pershing County, Nevada - Rye Patch Gold Nugget Territory

The Rye Patch claims are three dispersed 20-acre claims, totaling 60 acres, in the highly-sought after Rye Patch area, an area known for its large, bountiful and unique gold nuggets! Find your own fortune with just a metal detector, a classifier, and a shovel, and dig up gold nuggets as large as your thumb nail!

Hidden under Majuba Mt. and the Antelope Range lie large quartz and tourmaline veins laden with gold and silver. While a concerted effort was made to find these rich, hidden gold veins in the roaring 20's, still no one has found it to this day. Yet, large gold nuggets find their way to the surface every year, washed into the valley from the exposed peaks of the mountains. Many flocked to the base of these mountains to bring themselves from rags to riches during the Depression, and for nearly 90 years after, the tradition continues today with many walking away with their own little fortunes in their hands and pockets!

The local geology can easily be seen just by looking at the ground - gobs of quartz and tourmaline can be picked up in large chunks, with plenty of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite running together with the minerals - excellent grounds for finding the rare chevron gold nuggets that characterize the Rye Patch area and plenty of gold dust!

The three claims lie in three well-separated areas, targeting three separate old river flows from the mountains. All three areas show the same characteristics: plenty of old water flow and tons of quartz and tourmaline on the surface.

A good dirt road leading from the Rye Patch State Recreation Area close to the Humboldt River Ranch will lead you straight to the claims in less than 15 minutes. The roads get rough, so four-wheel drive is recommended. Lovelock and Winnemucca both find themselves about 30 miles from the Reservoir, so you'll never be too far from a hot pizza, a cold beer, a warm bed, or just some gas and jerky.

Nevada gold claims for sale go fast in popular areas like Peavine and the Rye Patch area, so don't hesitate to snatch your own claim to riches in some of the most treasured spots in Nevada!

Rye Patch 60 Acre Placer Claims:
Type of Claim Unpatented Placer Claims
Size of Claim  60 Acres
Commodities  Gold, Silver
Past Production  Yes.
State, County  Nevada, Pershing
Accessibility Good 4x4 Dirt Roads
Deposit Type Quartz and tourmaline-veined
Cenozoic rhyolite porphyries and breccias
Cell Phone Reception  4GLTE All Networks
Relics  No.

Discovery Monument & Claim Boundaries

Discovery Marker GPS Coordinates (WGS84):

ADVENTURE CLAIM - 40.650324°, -118.397023°
RYE PATCH #1 - 40.679592°, -118.394027°
RYE PATCH #2 - 40.726370°, -118.379472°

Want a bigger view? Right-click the image and open in a new window or tab.

Rye Patch Claim Photographs

A high overview of the Rye Patch claims, showing the surrounding area and Nevada gold claims for sale at Rye Patch #2, a Nevada gold claim for sale part of the Rye Patch claim set available at

Economic Features
 Type of Claim Unpatented Placer Claim
 Size of Claim  60 Acres
 Commodities  Gold, Silver
Ore Body Information
Contact Zones  Unknown
Ore Body Type Quartz/Tourmaline
Development No
District Name Antelope / Rye Patch
Development Status
Operation Type  Surface Placer
Development Status  Inactive
Helpful Resources to Find Nuggets - Finding Rye Gold - Metal Detecting NV

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Rye Patch Placers Mineral Rights Transfer Process

A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on mineral-rich land that belongs to the federal government. Mining claims are a tangible asset and show proof of all interests in minerals in the area. They can be bought, sold or used as collateral, just like any other piece of real estate.

A mining claim can be sold, traded, leased, gifted, willed, used as collateral or transferred in part or in its entirety just like any other real property using a quitclaim deed which is a recordable conveyance. Questions about the transfer process can be answered by contacting us anytime.  All fees and paperwork current and assessment fees are paid  through Sept. 1st 2024.

It's easy to maintain this claim after purchase:

If you have less than 10 claims, you are eligible to file a small miners exemption and the cost to maintain is only $10 per year per claim.  Contact us anytime for help maintaining your claim. Full details on maintaining your claim can be found on the BLM's website here.

The filing and transfer service will be done on your behalf and completed within 48 hours after purchase.  Buy this claim now with the PayPal™ link below. Online records of your claim will also be available in the local county records office and the BLM within 7 days, officiating you are a new gold claim owner!

Purchasing the Rye Patch Claims

You can now buy mineral rights online and we handle all the dirty work! We offer two pricing options, lump-sum and financed. If you're financing, it's just 25% down to get you mining, and your happiness is always guaranteed. 
Contact us anytime to pay by cash or check.



The Rye Patch One #1, the Central most claim, captures an old river bed that flows directly off the gold- and silver-rich Majuba Mountain!

KMZ: Rye Patch Claims, All

ON SALE NOW: $8,999



Rye Patch Two (#2), the Northern most claim, captures one large river bed and several tributaries making their way to Reservoir from the West, deep inside the Antelope Valley!

KMZ: Rye Patch Claims, All

ON SALE NOW: $8,999



The Adventure, the Southern most claim, straddles one of the large, old riverbeds that formed a large basin on most of the claim flowing from the gold-laden Antelope Mountain Range before making its way East into the Reservoir!

KMZ: Rye Patch Claims, All

ON SALE NOW: $8,999



Obtain PLOTS ONE (#1), TWO (#2), and the ADVENTURE CLAIM of the RYE PATCH CLAIMS!

Claim all the spots available of the Rye Patch Claims, #1, #2, and The Adventure Claim!
Thousands of feet of three distinct, old dry river beds shooting out Mt. Majuba and around the Antelope Valley from to discover new, chevron gold from! Find what's hiding mere feet under the surface in one of the most free gold populated areas in Nevada!


Discovery Marker Locations:
Rye Patch #1: 40.679592°, -118.394027°
Rye Patch #2: 40.726370°, -118.379472°

KMZ: Rye Patch Claims, All

Adventure Claim - 40.650324°, -118.397023°


Cash Price

Cash Price

Make a one time payment and get new mineral rights transferred in your name quick and easy.


Full mineral rights transfer in 7-10 days for the "Rye Patch Claims"

Official certificates of location, claim location and digital parameter maps

Email based support for claim maintenance and questions


Owner Financed

A down payment of $5,499 gets you on the claim, then just 12 monthly payments. Full terms.

This claim package is partially owned by a third-party. Please contact us for financing details.

Contact Us

Temporary conveyance of mineral rights

You get full access to mine the claim during the finance period

Email based support for claim maintenance and questions

Name of Claim(s) Acres Cash Price Financed Price (+10% Interest) Down Payment Required (25%) 12 Monthly Payments
Rye Patch Claims 60 $19,997 $21,999 $5,499 $1,375

  • After your purchase is complete you will be requested to fill out our new claim owner form with your name/address or add any additional claimants you want on the claim.
  • You'll get digital copies of your COL and Map of Location in to your claim(s) will be delivered via email via PDF format as well as Google Earth™ KMZ map file with your claims discovery, corners and points of interest.
  • We handle all the filing and transfer services on your behalf.  Expect to get official stamped/recorded copies of your paperwork mailed to you from the Pershing County Recorders Office and the Nevada Bureau of Land Management officiating you as the new claimant within 10 days of purchase.

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Gold Mines Go on Sale!

Mountain Man Mining™ Sparks, Nevada. Questions? Feel free to call anytime: ‪(775) 583-8537‬

Check out other Nevada gold claims for sale here.